What's the Difference Between Joints, Blunts, and Spliffs?

What's the Difference Between Joints, Blunts, and Spliffs?

In the world of cannabis consumption, joints, blunts, and spliffs are popular choices, each offering a unique experience. Whether you're a seasoned smoker or new to the scene, understanding the differences between these methods can enhance your smoking experience. Let's break down what sets them apart and examine the health implications of each.


Joints are perhaps the most well-known and widely used method of smoking cannabis. They consist solely of ground cannabis rolled in a thin paper, typically made from rice, wood pulp, or hemp. Joints are usually small and portable, making them convenient for on-the-go smoking.

Ingredients: Pure cannabis

Paper: Thin rolling paper (rice, wood pulp, or hemp)

Appearance: Small, often with a filter or crutch at the mouth end

Experience: Clean, pure cannabis flavor

Health Effects: Generally considered the least harmful of the three, as they do not contain tobacco or additives.


Blunts offer a different experience, as they are made by rolling cannabis in a tobacco leaf wrapper. This can be a cigar wrap or a blunt wrap. The addition of tobacco influences the flavor and effects, providing a stronger hit and a unique taste. However, the presence of tobacco introduces negative health effects.

Ingredients: Cannabis and tobacco leaf wrapper

Paper: Tobacco leaf or cigar wrap

Appearance: Larger and thicker than joints, often brown

Experience: Stronger hit with a tobacco influence, longer-lasting smoke

Health Effects: The tobacco in blunts increases the risk of addiction, respiratory issues, and other tobacco-related health problems.


Spliffs are a mix of ground cannabis and tobacco, rolled in a similar fashion to joints. The combination of the two provides a different flavor profile and a balanced effect, appealing to those who enjoy the stimulating properties of nicotine alongside their cannabis. However, like blunts, spliffs come with added health risks due to the tobacco content.

Ingredients: Blend of cannabis and tobacco

Paper: Thin rolling paper (rice, wood pulp, or hemp)

Appearance: Similar to joints, with a mix of green and brown from the cannabis and tobacco

Experience: Balanced effects of cannabis and nicotine, unique flavor

Health Effects: The presence of tobacco introduces risks such as increased chances of lung disease, addiction, and other health issues associated with tobacco use.

High Tideā€™s Healthy Alternatives

At High Tide, we understand the importance of a clean, healthy smoking experience. We offer eco-friendly alternatives that not only enhance your smoking sessions but also contribute to a greener planet.

Hemp Paper for Joints

Our hemp paper cones are crafted from premium, all-natural hemp, ensuring a slow, even burn and a clean smoke. Hemp papers are free from the harsh chemicals and additives found in some traditional rolling papers, preserving the pure flavors of your cannabis.

Clean Smoke: Pure, natural taste without any additives

Slow Burn: Even burning for a smooth experience

Eco-Friendly: Made from sustainable hemp and shipped in recycled packaging

Eco-Friendly Alternatives to Blunts

For those who enjoy the blunt experience but want a healthier option, High Tide offers natural leaf wraps. These wraps provide the robust, long-lasting smoke of a blunt without the harmful effects of tobacco.

Natural Leaf Wraps: Made from organic leaves, offering a tobacco-free alternative

Organic Goji Berry Cones: Unique and flavorful, providing a distinct smoking experience without additives


Understanding the differences between joints, blunts, and spliffs can help you choose the best method for your needs. While blunts and spliffs introduce negative health effects due to their tobacco content, there are healthier alternatives available. High Tide is committed to offering eco-friendly options that elevate your smoking experience while promoting sustainability. Our hemp paper cones and natural leaf wraps provide clean, natural options for enjoying cannabis without the adverse health effects of tobacco.

Try High Tideā€™s products today and experience the difference for yourself. Join us in our mission to create a cleaner, greener future, one puff at a time.

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